Friday, July 24, 2015

Back in the States

It's hard to believe that a week ago we were getting on a plane to return to the States.  On our way home we stopped at Etosha National Park to enjoy many of God's creations.

Traveling back home was much quicker and easier however, the team was sad to say goodbye to Sheila Fabiano and the Hall family but thankfully we had one final dinner in Namibia together.

The team with Sheila Fabiano and Riley and McKenna Hall
We are thankful for everyone's support and prayers throughout our trip.  It is truly amazing to see how God was at work throughout our entire trip.  Please continue to pray for all the missionaries serving in Angola that God will continue to use them to further his Kingdom. 

In Christ,
Angola Team 2015

Thursday, July 16, 2015


The whole team had such a great time working with the children at the Spiritual Life Conference.  It was so much fun to spend time with all the children as well as spend time with all the missionaries, including many of the Foster family and Hall family, serving in Angola.  Yesterday we said goodbye to all the Fosters at Tchincombe and headed into Namibia for the last part of our trip to enjoy God's creation in Etosha National Park. 

The big kids playing ball toss 

Showing off our paper chain crafts 

Auntie Lorrie and Auntie Mary leading large group lesson

Esther playing games with the big kids

Angola team with the MAF plane 
(LtoR: Mary, Natalie, Daniel, Lorrie, Emily, and Esther) 

In Christ, 
Angola Team 2015 

Monday, July 6, 2015


Bom dia (Good day) from the Angola Team! We have spent our first two days in Lubango. It has been great to meet some of the missionaries who will be attending the Spiritual Life Conference (SLC) and see how God is using them to further His Kingdom. Today we head out to Tchincombe where the SLC will be taking place and where our team will be doing our VBS program. Please pray for continued safety and guidance on this new adventure. 

Angola Team at Tundavala 

At CEML (L to R) Mary, Natalie, Esther, and Lorrie, with (MK) Riley Hall and the one and only Shelia Fabiano! 

Lubango - Visiting Dr. Steve Foster at CEML (In English: The Evangelical Medical Center) Find out more about this hospital ministry:

At Cristo Rei (Christ the King) - Designed by Portuguese engineer, Frazão Sardinha, and built in 1957, this 98 foot tall marble statue was inspired by the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is one of only four in the world. See an aerial view:

In Christ, 
Angola 2015 Team 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

On the ground in Africa!

Our group has landed in Africa and after a good nights sleep at a guest house we are getting ready for the final flight into Angola! 
On the ground in Namibia 

Breakfast at the guest house 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Ready to Go!

We are officially on our way! Bags have been checked and we made it through security with no problems (praise the Lord!) Please pray for travel mercies and that all connections are made. 

In Christ, 
Angola 2015 Team