Thursday, July 16, 2015


The whole team had such a great time working with the children at the Spiritual Life Conference.  It was so much fun to spend time with all the children as well as spend time with all the missionaries, including many of the Foster family and Hall family, serving in Angola.  Yesterday we said goodbye to all the Fosters at Tchincombe and headed into Namibia for the last part of our trip to enjoy God's creation in Etosha National Park. 

The big kids playing ball toss 

Showing off our paper chain crafts 

Auntie Lorrie and Auntie Mary leading large group lesson

Esther playing games with the big kids

Angola team with the MAF plane 
(LtoR: Mary, Natalie, Daniel, Lorrie, Emily, and Esther) 

In Christ, 
Angola Team 2015 

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