Saturday, June 13, 2015

Visa update

Once again we are seeing God at work with this trip.  Our passports have been returned to us with all the visas ready to go! I don't think any of us have been so excited for a FedEx envelope in our lives.  Our visas have been a big obstacle in our planning and it is such a relief to finally have them in our hands.  We are so thankful for the Lord's favor in all of this.  

As I am typing this blog post a song by Ellie Holcomb comes to mind.  In one of the verses she sings:

"So when you worry ‘bout today or tomorrow 
And the storms that they might bring 
Try to remember that you’re in the hands 
Of the God who made everything"  

What a great reminder that no matter what happens we can fully rely on God and His provisions.

Prayer Requests
Please continue to pray for our support team, we are about 70% funded (Praise the Lord) but still have 30% to raise. 
Please pray for guidance as we plan our VBS curriculum.
Please pray for energy and health as we get closer and closer to our trip

In Christ,
Angola 2015 Team 

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